What a year it has been! Our first year as a Community Interest Company, Havenweb, has been an incredible journey filled with both challenges and triumphs. Our mission has always been clear: to empower people to grow their own food, build a sense of community, and improve overall well-being. As I look back, I can say with pride that we have surpassed these goals in ways we never imagined.

Guerilla Gardening: A Bold First Step
One of the most remarkable projects this year was our guerilla community garden. It started off as a secret—literally! We went straight into action, creating our garden without waiting for official permissions. If you sit around waiting for approval, you might never make progress, so we made it happen ourselves. And what an incredible decision that was!

Over the year, we held 22 gardening sessions, with an average of seven volunteers attending each session. These weren’t just any volunteers, though—these were people from all walks of life, coming together to create something beautiful. What's really fascinating is that many of our volunteers joined not just for the gardening, but for the social aspect. They came to connect, share stories, and build friendships, using gardening as the perfect backdrop.
It was also a pleasant surprise to discover that harvesting the crops wasn’t the most popular part—people actually enjoyed the planting and weeding more! Who would have thought? It seems that the joy of nurturing and watching something grow together trumped reaping the rewards.

Challenges on the Journey
Of course, it hasn’t all been smooth sailing. We faced our fair share of challenges—especially with getting the garden space. The Canterbury City Council didn’t grant us land, which is why we embraced the “guerilla” aspect of our project. Yet, interestingly, even the parking attendants who passed by our garden on Sundays praised our efforts! They saw the value in what we were doing, and I hope the council eventually does too. Sometimes, to make your city a better place, you’ve got to take action yourself.
A Diverse and Vibrant Community

One of the most heartwarming aspects of this journey has been seeing people come from all over to be a part of Havenweb. Different ages, different backgrounds, yet all united by a common purpose—to create something beautiful. Some volunteers even traveled from far away just to spend time with our quirky, creative, and wonderful community.
Trading for Sustainability

As a Community Interest Company, Havenweb also had to trade to generate income to support our garden. This was not without its difficulties! We faced fierce competition from big garden centres and supermarkets, which can grow plants in unnatural ways, often selling them months before nature would allow us to do so organically. They bring these artificially grown plants to market in early March, tempting people to buy them prematurely, while we struggled to grow our plants naturally at the right time. It was a tough lesson in how markets work and how the pressure to compete with large-scale growers can be a real challenge for small, sustainable initiatives like ours.
The Unexpected Support of Strangers

A quote that I saw the other day and resonated deeply; “The universe said, ‘I noticed how your people didn’t support you, so I sent you strangers.’” Some people who I thought would be there to help and support the project never showed up, but in their place, amazing strangers did. People I hadn’t met before came forward to offer their time, skills, and passion.
I owe so much to these wonderful individuals and organisations—people like Growing Kent Medway and Sam Duong, Rebecca Smith, Artur Slowinski from ASPIRE at the University of Kent, Natalie from Funding for All, and my amazing current mentor Lorne Mitchell from KMCM, who has been instrumental in guiding me through the toughest decisions. Their wisdom and support have been invaluable, helping me stay true to Havenweb's mission when times got tough. Special thanks to Kent Community Foundation & the Amity Allotment Fund for funding our project!

What’s Next?
As the growing season winds down here in the UK, we’re putting our garden to rest for the winter. But this is far from the end—big things are on the horizon for Havenweb. I can’t reveal all the details just yet, but I promise exciting projects are in the works, and I can’t wait to share them with you next spring.
This journey has been more than just about gardening—it’s about creating a space where people can connect, where they can be a part of something meaningful. I’ve met some of the most incredible people this year, and I am forever grateful for everyone who has supported Havenweb along the way.
Until spring, we’ll take this time to reflect, recharge, and get ready for another amazing year ahead. Thank you to every volunteer, supporter, and friend who made this year possible. I can’t wait to see where we go from here!
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