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Writer's pictureMaria Rmp

Can Growing Food at Home Combat the Negative Environmental Impact of Large-Scale Food Production?

Updated: Jul 12

One of our driving agents in this mission is climate change.

Our environment is a catalyst for our security in every aspect you can think of. Unfortunately, due to climate change these effects are starting to get noticeable. Not noticeable enough to make sudden changes as we all continue to live in a relatively comfortable lifestyle. 

The weather in the UK hit 25°C in mid October, icy cold in November and then the mildest Christmas that got recorded in a long time, followed by another icy spell with snow up north! Pure evidence of climate change!

Social media post indicates the weather in the UK hit 25°C in mid October

Here at HavenWeb, we believe that small actions make big differences when done collectively. If we all were to stop driving our cars for a day we would preserve 14.4 billion kg of carbon dioxide a day (estimate from Bard).

However, we understand that stopping transport all together is unrealistic, because you still have to go to work or pick up your kids from school at the end of the day.

So instead of attempting to drastically stop our CO2 emissions, how about trying to trap small amounts of CO2?

How can you trap CO2 that has already been released?

The answer is very simple and actually is not you who will do the hard work. All you need to do is plant something. You can plant any kind of tree, flower or even sow your own seeds and you will be contributing to the absorption of CO2 back to the earth!

All plants, big or small, carry an invaluable knowledge that we humans fail to conduct on our own. All plants know how to use the sun's energy to convert carbon dioxide and water to oxygen and glucose.

By planting more trees and flowers we are basically filtering the air that we have for many years polluting.

Gardening at home two pots and  gardening tools

Do you want to take it a step further? 

Grow your own food! If you've never done this before, we understand that it can be quite daunting. And that's okay. Everything that you do the first time can be scary, especially if you are on your own.

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By growing your own food you help the environment way more than you can imagine. Think about the fruit and vegetables that we buy from the supermarket. How were they produced? 

a mechanized farming machine

It is likely that massive machines and chemicals such as fertilisers and pesticides were involved. These machines  require a lot of fuel to operate, and the larger the volume of fuel, the larger the CO2 emissions.

Fertilisers cause eutrophication in nearby water reserves as they get washed off with rain. Pesticides kill almost everything in their passage except for the crop. No wonder some farmers wear hazmat suits when spraying their crops. 

And that’s only the beginning. Then, more CO2 is being released in the atmosphere by harvesting the crops with other big machines. Afterwards, big lorries will transport the food to a packaging facility which increases the overall carbon footprint of something that is meant to absorb carbon. 

Gardner shows his  garden fruit in his hand

If you were to grow only one type of produce at home you would reduce your CO2 emissions a bit. If we were to do this collectively the impact would be greater!

One can argue that, even if you start growing your own food, large companies will continue with the large-scale cultivation methods for the near future, so there won't be a big shift overall.

Yes, this is true, but we need to start from somewhere. The effects of growing one's food will be visible later and its effect will be similar to compound interest. It's analogous to how you see changes in yourself.

If you are trying to lose weight or become fitter, it's first your distant friends who will notice it, then your close friends and then yourself. Persevering when you don't see immediate results gives you the greatest rewards. 

So we challenge you! Join us on a journey of growing fruit and vegetables at home, small actions can lead to big changes. 

If you are new to this even better, follow us to offer you help on how to grow your food and meet other like-minded people. 

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Tomatoes, eggplant, and other vegetables

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